What to aim on Nikajo

October 20th 2018


Points to remember:
Aim for the third point of the triangle (wrist, elbow).
When you hit that third point, you can make the direction change towards downwards.

I have been carrying like a pinned pain around my shoulder for a month.
It's been affecting my sleep, and it affected my breakfalls today with Kotegaeshi Kagari geiko.

I felt it was bad enough that I forgot how to fall well, I could not take the pain (or I thought I get injured if I pushed too much), everyone did easy on me which I usually can not stand...but I had to convince myself its better than getting injured.

Breakfalls are the hardest thing to get it back so far. I decided I will have to do something about this to get better : )

Overall, it was fun just being in the kotegaeshi round though.


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